Pilates Angel x Beyond Classically Beautiful 

Sitting hunched over at a desk all day? Here are 5 Moves to Improve Your Posture that I shared with Beyond Classically Beautiful:

5 Moves to Improve Your Posture

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more moves for better posture!

Pilates Angel x Refinery29

Click on the link below to see a full body Pilates Mat workout that I shared with Refinery29 Wellness that you can do at home. All you need is a mat!


“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more Pilates moves!

Nóli Yoga 2016

Check out the Nóli Yoga 2016 Collection! http://www.noliyoga.com

Photography by David Tufino.

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more fitness fashion!

Women’s Health Mag: Street Style

Check out my Street Style feature in the December issue of Women’s Health Magazine!


“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more of my street style!

Move of the Day: Heel Grab aka Double Leg Stretch

|| HEEL GRAB || aka Double Leg Stretch!

Robert Brace of D28 For Life, taught me one of his dance inspired core workout moves called the Heel Grab. In Pilates, we call this exercise Double Leg Stretch, that is part of the abdominal series also known as the Series of 5. This is a go-to move for toned abs!


1 — Start by lying supine with the knees into the chest and arms along sides. Curl the head and shoulders off of the mat and engage the abdominal muscles by pulling the belly button in towards the spine.

2 — Inhale to extend the arms back and legs forward on a diagonal, keeping the head and shoulders lifted. Exhale to bend the knees in towards the chest as you grab the heels (or hug the knees).

3 — Repeat 8-12 repetitions, 1-3 sets.


Modifications: If this exercise causes any lower back pain, modify the movement by shortening the range of motion. Have the arms and legs extend towards the ceiling rather than having the legs low and arms behind the head. You can also modify by keeping the legs in a tabletop position or having the knees bent with feet flat on the floor as you move the arms back and forward.

If you have any neck issues, rest your head on a pillow rather than having it lifted or place the hands behind the head for support and just perform the movement of the legs.

Chaturanga Tights by Athleta & Free-to-Be Bra by Lululemon

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more of my favorite moves!

Street Style: Fall in NYC

According to Essence Magazine, my look is one of, “19 Fierce Fall Looks to Try.” On a casual Friday in Soho, this look is comfy, chic, and appropriate for teaching my Pilates clients and exploring the city in between.

Although I am very athletic, I have to admit that I do not typically wear workout attire or sneakers outside. However, I have decided that sneakers are cuter than bunions and more practical than heels for walking around NYC. I suppose I will have to look for more patent, animal printed, and studded pairs so I still feel girly lol.

The best part about this look is that it is affordable! All of these pieces are under $100 each. I even bought these cool sunglasses from a street vendor for just $7! See my outfit details below.


Top: Necessary Clothing

Pants: Zara

Coat: H&M 

Sneakers: Steve Madden

Photo: Hannan Saleh for Essence Magazine


“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram to see more of my street style!

Move of the Day: Hundred

|| HUNDRED || Hundred is my move of the day and is a classical Pilates exercise that helps to tone your abs! Adding a set of 2lb dumbbells makes this move even more challenging for the core, and it will help to create lean, sexy arms too!


• Strengthens and tones the abdominals.

• Warms up the entire body and increases blood flow.

• Tones the arms and upper body.

• Coordinates breath with movement.


1 — Start by lying supine with arms by the sides holding the dumbbells, and knees into the chest. Engage the abdominals by pulling the belly button in and curl the head and shoulders off the mat.
2 — Extend the legs out to a high diagonal with the heels together and toes apart in a Pilates “V.” Lift the arms above the level of the hips and begin pumping up and down vigorously, as you inhale for 5 counts and exhale for 5 counts.

3 — Repeat x10 and that makes 100!

4 — Hug the knees into your chest and lower the head and shoulders onto the mat. Move the head from side to side to relax the neck.


Tips: Keep the body still as you pump the arms by engaging the abdominals throughout the exercise. For more of a challenge, lower the legs closer to the floor, but only as far as you can keep the abdominal engagement without arching the back.

Modifications: If you are a beginner, practice this exercise without dumbbells and start with the legs in a tabletop position, knees bent above the hips and feet lifted as high as the knees. If that is too challenging, you can also perform the exercise with the knees bent and the feet flat on the floor. 
If you have any neck issues, do this exercise with the head down and use a small pillow or towel for extra support if needed.


Photo by Sherry Dubash at KZP

Tights by Splits59

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more of my favorite moves!

Street Style: Pilates-to-Park

An active lifestyle does not have to mean walking around in ugly gym clothes all day! To go from Pilates to a walk in the park, pair a bodysuit like this one from Splits59 with layers appropriate for Fall.


Bodysuit: Splits59

Top: Necessary Clothing

Shorts: H&M

Jacket: Forever21

Scarf: H&M

Boots: Zara

Photo: Simon McDermott-Johnson

Makeup: Angela Boswell


“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more of my street style looks!

Reflection: Restore

|| RESTORE || If you are an ambitious person as I am, sometimes you have to remind yourself to take the time to restore. I keep myself busy doing the things that I love, accomplishing goals, and working towards new ones. Before I finish one project, I am often thinking about and working on the next, and the next, and the next one. I stay productive and like to keep the momentum going. My body however, sometimes tells me to pump my brakes, and I have learned to listen to it.

The other day I decided to get an early start, so woke up and took a 7am class. That class was followed by a casting, then gymnastics, then dance, then another class, then teaching Pilates until 9pm. Although I had a lot of energy and felt pretty good throughout the day, I got home feeling completely exhausted and passed out on the couch…clothes on, lights on, no dinner, and no shower (this happens often). 

The next morning I woke up and could barely move. Wtf was I thinking doing so much the day before?? Oh, I know… I was trying to accomplish things and having fun doing so (I really was). I had plans to teach and take multiple classes but decided to end my day early. 

After work, I took a Pilates class which felt good, and then I spent hours catching up with my BFF. I got home early and passed out again but this time at 830pm. I’m pretty sure I slept for about 10 hours that night, and my body definitely needed the rest.

I listened to my body and so made my schedule a little lighter for the rest of the week. I allowed myself to get home and to bed earlier, and I booked a much needed massage. When the weekend came, I let myself sleep in a bit and gave my body 2 days of rest. I still did a morning practice of seated meditation but focused on my breath and being still rather than working out like a maniac.

Monday is here and I feel rested and recharged for the upcoming week. It can be difficult to slow down when you are driven but it is essential that we give our bodies rest. It is fine to work hard and to push ourselves, but if we push to the point of exhaustion, we will have nothing more to give. Do yourself a favor by taking time during the week to restore. In order to show up and be fully present each day with energy and enthusiasm, we must allow ourselves to rest.

[Photo by Aggie Photos]

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more of my reflections!

Nóli Yoga

|| N Ó L I || 2015 Collection…


 Click on the link below to shop…  

Photos by Masha Creative for Nóli Yoga

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more fitness apparel!