Breakfast Recipe 10/31


Breakfast Recipe 10/31:

Bottom:chia pudding (1/4 cup chia seeds, 1 cup almond milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, refrigerate 6-8 hours then serve)

Middle:flax seeds.

Top:smoothie with almond milk, apple, banana, blackberries, pineapple, spinach, and strawberries.

Topping:granola and pumpkin seeds.

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil for more breakfast recipes!

My 5 Favs: October Soap Edition

In my free time when I am not running around NYC, I love to bathe! I imagine myself having a peaceful, luxurious spa day at home with my favorite body soaps, creams, and oils.

In this months edition of “My 5 Favs,” I focus on bar soaps. I visited some of the top shops in the city that carry the best body products on the market. All of the soaps I found are organic and made with essential oils that nourish the skin. Here are some of my top picks:

1 — Honey Oatmeal by Copa Soap ($4.00)
I discovered Copa Soaps at a street fair in NYC. Copa is an acronym that represents the soaps ingredients:
The brand offers a wide variety of scents and bar sizes and I particularly love the Honey Oatmeal. The honey and oatmeal nourish and soften the skin and the bar also has a yummy scent of cinnamon and clove oils that I absolutely love.

2 — Rosemary Olive Oil Soap by Sabon ($6.80)
The olive and coconut oils in this soap act as moisturizing agents while the rosemary stimulates circulation. It can be used for cleansing the body and also as a shampoo for hair. This soap contains invigorating peppermint oil which I love and often use in my morning showers to start my day.

3 — Pumpkin Spice by Ashley Soaps ($5.00)
Ashley Soaps smell so delicious that I want to eat them! Specializing in food scented soaps, the Pumpkin Spice bar is perfect for the season. While picking up your pumpkin for Halloween or pie for Thanksgiving, be sure to order one of these bars on Etsy for a yummy bath.

4 — Patchouli by The Little Soap Shop ($6.00)
With so many amazing scents to choose from, it is difficult to pick one fav. I was delighted to find this adorable little shop in Astoria where Vivian, the owner, explained the entire soap making process to me. Even her parents, who were helping at the store the day of my visit, told me about their favorite products. I love the soft, sweet scent of the Patchouli bar soap for both morning and evening and I am sure you will too!

5 — Sultana of Soap by Lush ($6.40)
The Sultana of Soap bar from Lush has a light and refreshing aroma that I enjoy using especially in the morning. It contains antioxidant rich apricots and you can see the almonds which makes it look like a nougat cake desert. It has a creamy lather and moisturizes my skin.

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more of my favs!

Breakfast Recipe 10/30


Breakfast Recipe:

Bottom:chia pudding (1/4 cup chia seeds, 1 cup almond milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, refrigerate 6-8hrs then serve).

Middle:oats, flax seeds, granola.

Top:smoothie with almond milk, apple, avocado, banana, parsley, pineapple, and spinach.

Topping:bananas, blueberries, pumpkin seeds, and strawberries.

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more healthy breakfast recipes!

Morning Practice 10/29

Morning Practice:

– yoga 1hr 15min
– criss cross
– lower/lift x8
– shoulder bridge x3
– roll up
– rollover
– swimming 10sec
– downdog 4 breaths
– cat/cow 3 breaths
– forearm plank 20sec
– child’s pose 4 breaths
– camel pose 5 breaths
– camel into wheel 5 breaths (pictured)
(Repeat entire sequence x3)
– supine spinal twist w/eagle wrap 5 breaths
– savasana 1min

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more of my morning routines!

Mason Jar Salad Basics

(Photo A)

Mason Jar Salads have been trending for about a year now and I had to jump on it! If you are looking for a new way to prepare healthy food for the week then these salads are for you.

So what’s the big deal about salad in a jar? For starters, using glass jars can keep your salads fresh for an entire week. You can be creative and experiment with different vegetables, nuts, and fruits. I often use leftover meals and fresh vegetables that I have not had a chance to cook and throw them into a salad before they spoil.

Here are the basics for layering your Mason Jar Salads:

Layer #1 — Dressing
The first layer of your Mason Jar Salad is your dressing. You can either make your own vinaigrette or creamy dressing if you prefer. My go-to basic is olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and a dash of black pepper.

Layer #2 — Hard Vegetables
The second layer of your salad should be hearty vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and bell peppers. This layer is important because you want vegetables that can marinate in the dressing without getting soggy.

Layer #3 — Soft Veggies & Beans
The third layer of the salad is for softer vegetables and beans such as corn, mushrooms, black beans, sprouts, and zucchini. To avoid getting soggy from the dressing, these soft vegetables go on top of the hard ones.

Layer #4 — Grain and Pasta
Layer 4 is for grain and pasta. There are several options to use including rice, quinoa, couscous, and macaroni. I often use brown rice and quinoa in this layer. In photo A (top) I used a brown rice and quinoa fusilli pasta and in photo B (bottom) I used brown rice.

Layer #5 — Protein and Cheese
For the protein and cheese layer you can use turkey, chicken, steak, goat cheese, and feta cheese. If you are vegan you can use tofu. Again, there are several options and you have the freedom to be creative by using your favorite foods for each layer.

Layer 6 — Leafy Greens
The last layer of the Mason Jar Salad is leafy greens. I love using spinach and romaine for my salads.

Now that you know the basics of making a Mason Jar Salad, be creative and have fun with them!

(Photo B)

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me in Instagram @imyourangil to see more of my Mason Jar Salads!

Source: Organize Yourself Skinny

Breakfast Recipe 10/28

Bottom:chia pudding (1/4 cup chia seeds, 1 cup almond milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, refrigerate 6-8 hours then serve).
Middle: oats, flax seeds, and granola.
Smoothie:spinach, pineapple, apple, banana, and almond milk.
Topping:strawberries, blueberries, bananas, and pumpkin seeds.

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me Instagram @imyourangil to see more of my healthy breakfast recipes!

Morning Practice 10/26

– yoga 1hr 15min
– lower/lift x8
– shoulder bridge x3
(Repeat 2 above x2)
– roll up
– rollover
– single leg stretch
– double leg stretch
– scissors
– table top 3 breaths
– boat pose 3 breaths
(Repeat 2 above x2)
– criss cross
– swimming 10sec (pictured)
– child’s pose 3 breaths
– plank pose 3 breaths
– Pilates push-ups x6
– downdog 3 breaths
(Repeat 5 above x2)
– cat/cow 3 breaths
– meditation in hero pose 1min

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram to see more of my morning practice routines!

Breakfast 10/24

– Bottom:chia pudding (1/4 cup chia seeds, 1 cup almond milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, refrigerate 6-8hrs then serve).
– Middle: oats, granola, flaxseeds.
– Top: smoothie with mangoes, carrots, bananas, apples, orange, and lemon.
– Topping:pineapples, blueberries, bananas, sliced almonds.

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more of my healthy breakfast recipes!

Morning Practice 10/23

Photo taken at Grasshopper Pilates

– push through (pictured, add twist)
– hundred
– roll up
– leg springs
– roll back w/pull
– reverse corkscrew
– rolling like a ball
– abs series
– spine stretch forward w/roll back bar
– open leg rocker
– table top 3 breaths
– boat pose 3 breaths
(Repeat 2 above x2)
– corkscrew
– saw
– swimming 10sec
– cat/cow 3 breaths
– downdog 4 breaths
– plank w/knee drives
– Pilates push-ups x4
– child’s pose 3 breaths
(Repeat 6 above x2)

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me in Instagram @imyourangil to see more of my morning practice routines!