Healthy Eats: Blueberry Matcha Green Smoothie

|| BLUEBERRY MATCHA || For breakfast I love making this delicious Blueberry Matcha Green Smoothie! Blueberries and matcha are rich in antioxidants that give the body energy, protects it from illnesses, and boosts metabolism which can encourage weight loss. I also add oats which contains fiber that keeps you feeling fuller longer. Enjoy!


– 1/2 frozen banana

– 2 handfuls of blueberries

– 1 handful of spinach

– 1 tbs matcha powder

– 1/4 cup oats

– 1 cup of almond milk

– 2 cubes of ice

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more smoothie recipes!

Move of the Day: Wall Straddle

|| WALL STRADDLE || Post morning yoga I practiced my wall straddle, a static stretch used to increase flexibility of the inner thighs and hips!


1 — Start in a seated position sideways so the body is touching the wall. Lie on your back and get your booty to touch the wall.

2 — Extend legs straight up against the wall with feet pointed up towards the ceiling. Slide legs open to a straddle position and hold for several minutes if possible.

______________________________________________ *Place a blanket or bolster under your tailbone if you need more support for the lower back.

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more fit moves!

Healthy Eats: Berry Popsicles

As we enjoy the hot days of summer it is essential to stay hydrated! I remember as kid I use to love when the ice cream truck drove through our neighborhood so I could get my favorite popsicles. Most of those sweet treats however are loaded with sugar and have no nutritional value. 

No worries though… Try my Berry Popsicle recipe that is a healthy version of your favorite childhood treat. They are easy to make, tasty, refreshing, and are made with real fruit and coconut water that gives you nutrients and keeps you hydrated!

All you need is a blender and popsicle holders. I use my nutribullet to blend and I found these popsicle holders at my local dollar store.


* 1/2 banana

* 1 handful of berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries)

* 1/2 cup coconut water

* 1/2 cup almond milk


1 — Place a few slices of berries into each popsicle holder.

2 — Put all ingredients together and blend using a traditional blender or nutribullet.

3 — Pour blended mix into popsicle holders, freeze for 4-6hrs, then serve.

My popsicles turned out great and I hope yours will too! You can always modify this recipe by using some of your other favorite fruits like lemons and oranges. Making this treat is also a fun activity that you can do with your family. Share your own versions of this recipe in the comments below.

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more healthy recipes!

Healthy Eats: Skinny Banana Berry Smoothie


|| SKINNY || Try my sweet Skinny Banana Berry Smoothie recipe! Berries are rich in antioxidants that can help to prevent illness and fiber that keeps you feeling fuller longer which can lead to weight loss! Enjoy!!

* 1 frozen banana

* 1 handful of blueberries

* 1 handful of strawberries

* 1/4 cup of oats

* 1 cup of almond milk

* 2 cubes of ice

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more smoothie recipes!

Fit Tip: Laugh Your A$$ Off!!

Photo by Audrey Lackey

|| LAUGH || Laughing stretches the muscles of the face and body and can even burn calories. Although it does not exactly replace a challenging Pilates session, research suggests that laughter can increase blood flow, encourage relaxation, improve sleep and mood, and even reduce physical pain. 

A healthy lifestyle is all about balance. So, in addition to performing squats, planks, and drinking green smoothies, be sure to surround yourself with friends and family that keep you laughing and give you a boost!