Solstice in Times Square 2016

Every year thousands of people from all over the world travel to NYC to participate in the annual Solstice in Times Square Mind Over Madness Yoga event. As an avid yogi, I have been wanting to attend this event for some time but it often falls on Father’s Day so I am always out of town with my dad.

As I was heading back to the city the day after Father’s Day, I saw photos online about the Solstice event only to discover that it was taking place on the day of my return. I just happened to pack a set of workout clothes in my bag so made my way straight to Times Square upon my arrival.

In yoga, we work to find peace amidst chaos which for many people can be quite a challenge to do in a place that is often packed with tourists, giant Elmo’s, a naked cowboy, and city traffic with honking horns. During the hour long class however, I felt a sense of peace, calm, and it seemed as if I were in a quiet space. I believe the feeling was simply the result of me focusing on my breath, closing my eyes, and absorbing the energy of the large group of yogis surrounding me. I don’t remember even hearing a single horn, siren, or people yelling until after the class had ended.

So skip ahead to my favorite part…the free food!! I went from vendor to vendor getting samples of snack bars, smoothies, “skinny” popcorn, and gluten free crackers that taste like tree bark and rabbit food (not that I know what either tastes like). There was also a section where participants could have their photos taken doing their favorite yoga poses. I enjoyed watching people trying to figure out which poses to do and friends laughing with each other as they took photos practicing together. 

Just then a photographer looked at me and said, “I love your hair. Would you mind if I took a few pictures of you?” “Ok,” I responded. Good thing I was prepared with a cute outfit and a mani pedi! Before I leave the house I always think if I were in an accident of some sort and the paramedics had to remove my clothing, my legs should always be shaved, bikini waxed, I should be wearing sexy undies, and have a fierce mani pedi. I mean, what if I’m sent to a hospital to see a hot doctor?? I can’t be seen wearing sweat pants and sneakers…absolument pas!!

So anyway, I start flowing through a sequence of poses for the photographer while tourists on the sidelines stop to take photos as well. Suddenly, this random guy starts yelling at me about how he loves my hair etc. I politely thank him and continue with my impromptu photo shoot but he continues yelling obnoxiously until security guards eventually tell him to leave. Then I remembered… I’m in Times Square!


“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more!

Pilates Angel Site is Live!

The Pilates Angel website is live! Go to the site to see my latest projects and stay tuned for my new blog.

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil for updates!

Pilates Angel x Beyond Classically Beautiful 

Sitting hunched over at a desk all day? Here are 5 Moves to Improve Your Posture that I shared with Beyond Classically Beautiful:

5 Moves to Improve Your Posture

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more moves for better posture!

Pilates Fit in 5 for Juja Active

Looking for a quick workout that you can do when you have limited time? Watch my Pilates Fit in 5 video for Juja Active to learn a short routine that you can do at home or on the road. The Abdominal Series, also known as the Series of 5, really targets the abs while also stretching the legs. All you need for this workout is a mat!

Click on the link below to see the full routine!

“Like ” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more Pilates moves!

Pilates Angel x Refinery29

Click on the link below to see a full body Pilates Mat workout that I shared with Refinery29 Wellness that you can do at home. All you need is a mat!

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more Pilates moves!

Nóli Yoga 2016

Check out the Nóli Yoga 2016 Collection!

Photography by David Tufino.

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more fitness fashion!

3 Tips for a Happy, Healthy Holiday

|| H O L I D A Y S || Tis the season to keep getting in my Pilates workouts! (Photo courtesy Balance, Your Pilates and Yoga Studio)

Maintaining my usual fitness routine while traveling and spending time with family is a challenge. I literally have to sneak out of the house to get my workouts in while my family wants to feed me all day!

Having a similar dilemma? Here are 3 Tips for maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle during the holiday season!

1 — Go to the grocery store and purchase healthy eats to keep in the house during your stay.

Thankfully my dad has a nutribullet and always keeps fresh and frozen fruits, veggies, oats, and almond milk in stock. Although I go out to eat a lot when visiting home, I still am able to make my green smoothies in the morning for breakfast and have healthy snacks between meals.

2 — Find local gyms and fitness studios to go to for workouts.

When I travel, I always take time to do some research on studios nearby the location I will be staying. It can be fun to find new places to workout and I also get to meet new people in different cities and countries. I will often take an hour long pilates, yoga, or other type of group exercise class where I will still be close to family and friends.


3 — Encourage friends and family members to exercise and eat nutritious foods.

Going for walks, bike rides, taking group fitness classes, and exercising at home is a great way to be active and spend time with your family. Share fitness tips and some of your favorite healthy recipes with your loved ones. I enjoy showing my dad smoothie recipes and learning some of his as well. I also love teaching my little cousins pilates and yoga (pictured above).

Wishing you a Happy & Healthy Holiday Season!!! Angilique xo

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more tips for healthy living!

Victoria’s Secret Angels Workout: Glamour Magazine

Ever wonder what it’s like to train like a Victoria’s Secret Angel? Gina Papalia and I, from Grasshopper Pilates in NYC, trained these top models to prepare them for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show! 

We put together 3 challenging workouts with featuring some of our favorite exercises that we gave the models to get them runway ready. All you need is a mat and a set of 3lb Dumbbells to do this at-home workout!

1 — Abs

2 — Arms

3 — Butt

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more at-home workouts!

Reflection: Good Friends

|| L I F T || Build positive relationships and surround yourself with friends that support, encourage, celebrate, inspire, and lift you higher!

In the past few weeks while nursing an overuse injury, I have been reminded of how fortunate I am to have such wonderful friends. Two of my physical therapist friends have worked on me and helped me to recover. One of my yoga teachers gave me massages, let me borrow a portable massager that I use everyday, and also gave me a book with restorative poses to practice.

As I have regained strength and my pain has decreased, another friend and personal trainer gave me a boxing lesson that was just the right level of intensity for a workout that would not injure me.

How lucky am I?? I am not in luck though honestly because I picked these people to be my friends! Just as we can make healthy diet and exercise choices to take care of our bodies, we can also decide who we surround ourselves with that will enhance our lives.

It is no surprise that studies show that good friendships have a positive impact on our health. Look around you and make sure that you are in good company. The best friends are those that boost your mood, self esteem, and encourage healthy behaviors.

Get rid of negative and toxic people in your life asap! Kick them to the curb! There is absolutely nothing mean or selfish about eliminating people and relationships that do not serve you well. Love yourself enough to make the choices that are best for you.


Photo by Masha Creative for Nóli Yoga 2015

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more of my reflections!

Move of the Day: Développé 

|| DÉVELOPPÉ || This ballet inspired variation of the Pilates side kicks is a great exercise to tone the booty!


1 — Begin lying on your side with your shoulders and hips stacked and legs slightly forward on angle, one or both hands behind the head. Have the heels together and toes apart in a Pilates “V.”

2 — Bend the top knee dragging the toes up the inside of the bottom leg and be sure that the knee is pointing up, keeping the turnout of the hips.

3 — Extend the top leg up towards the ceiling and lower it to meet the bottom leg in the starting position. Repeat 4-10x and perform this exercise on the other side.


Tips: Keep the torso still while moving the legs by pulling the belly button in towards the spine. If having both hands behind the head feels too challenging to keep the body still, place the top hand on the mat in front of you for support.


Tights: BodyLanguage Sportswear

“Like” Pilates Angel on Facebook and follow me on Instagram @imyourangil to see more of my favorite moves!